How to hack WhatsApp using gif image | TechMafia

​​How To Hack Whatsapp By Sending a GIF image 🤔

    Hack WhatsApp user's sessions ( chat, camera, audio WhatsApp sandbox storage, chat database) by WhatsApp Remote Code Execution exploit without touching victims phone just by sending a GIF image đź–Ľ

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WhatsApp GIF Attack Vectors

WhatsApp GIF hack can be executed by two ways

    1. Local privilege escalation (from a user app to WhatsApp): A malicious app is installed on the Android device. The app collects addresses of zygote libraries and creates a malicious GIF file that results in code execution in WhatsApp. This allows the malware app to steal files from WhatsApp sandbox including message database.

    2. Remote code execution: Pairing with an application that has a remote memory information disclosure vulnerability, The attacker can collect the addresses of zygote libraries and craft a malicious GIF file to send it to the user via WhatsApp (must be as an attachment, not as an image through Gallery Picker as WhatsApp tries to convert media files into MP4 and that would make your malicious GIF useless). As soon as the user opens the Gallery view in WhatsApp, the GIF file will trigger a remote shell in WhatsApp context.

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