What Is Scraped Content? Does It Violate AdSense Policies? - TechMafia


Novice or future bloggers who just have stepped towards blogging and willing to use AdSense need to have a deep understanding of what is scraped content.

The demand for content is rising high as the number of online users is growing in numbers. That thing motivates many people to come into the blogging field to write about their passion and make a handsome income. Many times without knowing the blogging factors, end up blogging career in a drastic way. Most bloggers are willing to use Google AdSense on their platform but many of them firstly misunderstood the content policies in AdSense. As a result, either they do not get the AdSense approval on their site or later by using unethical content practices, they lose their AdSense account.

Without content, you cannot run a blog or site so, while crafting content for your blog, it’s necessary to look eye on content and adhere to the content policies of search engines. Google AdSense has some strict content policies, and publishers need to follow them. So, knowing all sorts of content policies is crucial. Among all of them, the Scraped content policy is one of the critical factors bloggers do not get the AdSense account's approval.

In this article, we will tell you about the scraped content. You will have a detailed idea on:

  1. What is scraped content?
  2. Does it affect AdSense?
  3. It's affectation in search engines.

So, firstly let’s understand,

What is Scraped content?

The scraped content is quite similar to the copy content or duplicate content. Copy or duplicate content merely means the content, whether images, writings, articles are already available on the internet, and someone owns it. You republish that content to your platform without the owner’s consent. Most of the bloggers know that matter and strictly avoid it. But there are some grey spots, many bloggers use which produces scraped content.

The internet is full of content. In any niche, any topic, the content is already available. So, some people use some intelligent technologies or methods to produce content.

Many new bloggers, who are just running behind the money, try to copy other blogs or website’s contents. Due to copyright content policies, some bloggers do not steal content. Instead they take the whole content and write it with some minimal changes on it. That’s called scraped content. Below we are mentioning some other techniques which people use but these produce scraped contents.

Using a mechanism to spin the content:

Using artificial intelligence, now there are many mechanisms in presence, creating a unique article from a text copied from somewhere. Search engines and other plagiarism technologies are not so sophisticated and cannot trace it as copy content. So, many bloggers use this technique to fill up their blogs in a short time. These technologies spin up any article in a matter of seconds. But this practice produces scraped content. Even though plagiarism tools will mark it as unique, search engines are way smarter and can identify scraped content and stolen from other sites.

The reason behind counting them as scrap is simple. They do not represent something new to the search engine. They provide the same information to the search engine as well as the readers. You can read: What May Happen If A Blogger Uses Article Rewriter Tool? to get a more detailed impact of machine-generated content.

Another big problem with this type of content is they have poor readability. As a human does not write it, its sentence structure and use of words are sometimes significantly irrelevant and do not up to the topic.

Changing the phrases:

The machine technologies produce low-quality content, so many bloggers put some effort. They copy the whole text from someone else, change only the phrases and terms, and make smaller changes to the sentences. This type of content is also scraped content. Only changing some phrases or words does not provide any benefit or add value to the readers. The same content is already available on the internet. Modifying it by substituting synonyms will make less to no change. Let’s understand the matter with an example of a Paragraph. Suppose a paragraph,

“Blogging is an excellent way to make money. Here you only need to share your experience in writing with people. You need to work hard to achieve success.”

“Blogging is a fantastic way to earn money. Here you only need to share your expertise in writing with people. You need hard work to succeed.”

Now have a close look at both passages, only some of the words have been changed and some words are replaced with phrases or synonyms. The other words are the same, and so the sentences and the meaning.

If we take the first paragraph as the genuine one, the second paragraph would be the scraped one. Many people do this practice without knowing that there is probably no chance of getting approval from Google AdSense and not getting rank on search engines.

So one may assume that taking anything from any other website would be a scraped content. Well, in most cases, yes, but there are some gray spots you can be on but still, creating your content is always the best option.

Practices don't count as scraped content:

The internet is full of articles and resources, and you can take inspiration or ideas from it. There is nothing wrong with it. In fact, you can produce your own content by taking the source from somewhere else. You may have noticed, especially on news article websites, while writing some news on some portions, the writer gives credit to the original platform or the author by quoting the. Typically they write “according to a report from XYZ” and attribute the source. This type of practice is not an unfair one. You are taking a concept from someone or using it as a source. But, it is always better to represent the information in your style. In addition, after taking the information if you add your own value to the content, that is fair. 

Now let’s see,

Does scraped content violate AdSense policy?

After reading the above passage, and if you have an idea about AdSense content policy, you have already figured out that, yes, scraped content violates Google AdSense's guidelines.

After writing content to your blog, you send it to the AdSense team for approval. So, if your content is scraped, you are most likely not to get approved AdSense to your blog or website. You can visit the AdSense forum, where various Product experts will tell you about the scraped content and how you are not welcomed with that type of blog.

To get AdSense approval for your site, you must have to write unique and valuable content.

After writing unique articles, you get the approval, and for any reason, if you try to use the trick, then the result might not be good for you. AdSense is a contextual ad network. It reads your content and shows the relevant ads. So, when it finds you have the scraped content, you will see the below issues,

Low-value ads:

Not every ad gives you the same CPC, Some ads give you $0.20-0.30 CPC, and some ads give you $0.05. AdSense shows ads high-quality ads mostly depend on the site and content quality. So, if your website has scraped chiefly content, you can’t expect to have high-quality ads, leading to low earnings from your site.

Policy violation:

AdSense only shows ads on original and unique content. When you copy content from another site or do not give any attribute, copyright laws might be imposed on you. In case of any copyright policy violation, your account might get permanently closed because it is one of the most reasons people lose their AdSense accounts. If AdSense finds such type of content on your site, you may face policy violations named “Valuable Inventory: Scraped Content.” 

When AdSense bots find copy scraped content on your platform, they inform you of this type of policy violation and you can't get AdSense approval if you are applying.

If you get this type of policy violation,

How to fix Valuable Inventory: Scraped Content?

Fixing this scraped content violation is nothing hard for you. You just only need to remove the contents you have copied from other people's websites. As said previously, the best practice is to produce, the original content as per your expertise, and experience. After removing all those types of content, you can reapply for the review. If you do not have other violations either, you can get the AdSense approval for your site.

These are the problems with the scraped contents while you use Google AdSense on your blog. But, the scraped content does not only suffer you here. Now see the scraped content problems to the search engine's prospect.

Scraped content and the search engine:

When we create a website, our primary goal is to bring a visitor from the search results. Then we use strategies to head them into conversions. So, ranking on search engines is the most important part if you do not want to use the paid methods. While you post scraped content on your site, your site will never appear on search results even though the ranking fluctuates from time to time and depends on many things. You could not be able to hold your position on the search engine.

After publishing any content, it gets indexed to the search engine’s data center. Then it compares to the other platforms. If they find that you are providing the same information, most likely, they will place you down. The website from where you have taken the content has the right to get a better place. Also, he owns the original content.

When search engines will notice that most of your content is scraped or copied from other sites, it will decrease your position. You will face challenges to rank your other content too. In terms of search engines, it also harms using scraped content on your site.

Thanks for reading. We hope you have understood what is scraped content and its impact on Google AdSense and your website search ranking.

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