The World Ahead 2022! The fight against climate change requires action not just words


“Implementation” will be the buzzword for the new year

It is traditional, after a major un climate summit, for the momentum behind climate policy to enter a lull. It happens most noticeably in years after annual summits that had created a lot of pre-conference fanfare and expectations that were almost impossible to fulfil. This was the case in 2010, after the disastrous cop15 summit in Copenhagen the previous December had promised a new global climate treaty and delivered a devastating postponement.

Regardless of the aftertaste left by cop26, which took place in November 2021 in Glasgow, 2022 will not have that luxury. In the first three months of the year, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change will publish its next two major reviews of climate science, detailing the latest findings on the ways in which societies and ecosystems are vulnerable to the effects of climate change and the measures needed to cut greenhouse-gas emissions.


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